“My pieces explore the way ephemera of our experience gather, intentionally and by chance, around us. From random found materials and fortuitous art accidents, I create assemblages, handmade papers, collographs and collages, often wedding them to photo transfers and altered photography. Feminist aesthetics have informed my choice of subject matter, textures, and mediums, exploring the layered phenomena of losing, finding, connecting and re-connecting.”
Juried into more than 75 shows in Greater Hartford over a decade, JoAnne Bauer has studied art in courses at Brown and New York Universities, Pratt Institute, Hartford Art School, the Arts Students’ League, Central Connecticut State University and in numerous workshops with instructors including Paul Zimmerman, Lloyd Glasson, Hannah Libman, and Melissa Meredith among others.
JoAnne is an Elected Artist of the West Hartford Art League, a judge for the National Arts Program in Hartford, was a Board Member for Artworks Gallery downtown; had artwork featured on a Hartford Courant’s iTowns cover; coordinated Third Sunday Arts in her West End neighborhood; served as Vice President for the Hartford Critical and Creative Thinking Center; and now hosts ART TALKS for West Hartford Community TV. Currently, she pairs her visual art with prize-winning ekphrasis and is publishing her poetry book, Drawn Parallels.
With a doctorate from NYU in Communication Arts and Technology JoAnne also has advanced degrees in special education leadership, psychology of religion and philosophy. She is an international book co-author (Cambridge University Press) and has been honored as a special education director, and for scholarship/research, nonprofit leadership, environmental activism, events & publicity coordination, mixed media visual art, camerawork, and poetry.